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In The Clouds: About Cloud Storage For Company Data Management

As an information technology specialist, one of the things that you need to focus your efforts on is making sure that your company's data is preserved in the event of problems with the network infrastructure. If you've been going through backups with tape drives or redundant servers, you may be looking for a more practical way. If you've considered cloud storage but need to make a case for its use, here are a few of the benefits you should explore.

Versatile Backup Systems

Since having a backup system is your primary goal for the cloud server investment, that should be where you focus first. Investing in cloud storage gives you a backup solution that is accessible from absolutely anywhere. That means your staff can get to information no matter where they might be working from. With cloud storage, your staff can backup all levels of data and restore them with a few button clicks, practically eliminating the risk of any data loss and providing the flexibility to manage backups at their convenience.

Reliable Disaster Recovery

When it comes to establishing your company's disaster recovery plan, investing in cloud backup storage is a key component. When your system backups are all stored and accessible off-site, it ensures that there's minimal risk of complete data loss in the event of a disaster. Whether it's an infrastructure failure that results in lost server data or a natural disaster that leaves you without access to your building and your network, the core information and your staff's vital files will all be easily accessible. That way, when your infrastructure is back up and running, you have a way to restore your operations.

Simplified Data Migrations

Whether you're installing a new server, replacing employee computers, or otherwise changing your company's computer equipment, using a cloud backup system makes your data migration a breeze. Not only will you eliminate the need for backup tape systems or something similar, you also ensure that the data is secured, encrypted, and protected. You'll be able to get your staff up and running quickly, with multiple people restoring data at one time, which can't happen when you're using a physical tape drive to store the backups.

Custom Testing Environments

Any time you're planning to make an infrastructure change, it's always in your best interest to test it before making it live. Unfortunately, that can be difficult to do when you don't have a secondary data structure to test on. You don't want to risk damage to your actual production files. Investing in cloud storage will give you a secondary environment that you can use to test new platforms and programs.

You Can Easily Monitor Everything

When it comes to data management, the more consistent and streamlined it is, the better. Investing in cloud storage gives you a single destination for all of that data, making security assessments easier. You'll be able to track all of the activity on the drive easily, which is important for spotting vulnerabilities, but you'll also be able to identify when there could be a problem with data based on how it looks and responds through this process.

When it comes to pitching a backup solution, cloud storage should be at the top of the list. It's versatile and functional. As you can see from the information here, there are many ways that it can benefit you and your business.

Consider these factors then talk with a cloud storage service like Eatel Business to see what your options are. The sooner you start looking at your choices, the sooner you can rest easy knowing your data is secure and easy to manage.
